"Private Guided"...     or "Builder Guided"...

   ...Bottom Up-Development                  The Difference


 What is Bottom Up-Development ?

>Normally Builder-/Promotor projects are completely ready and - without any changes - then will be offered.

>In case of a "community project", like cohousing - or similar - a minimum of an individual group first must exist to make further  decisions and so is involved from the beginnings (Bottom Up). 

>In normal case of ESPADEVIDA ( = co-housing + ) the community project is Builder Guided organized, but still, from the earliest possible time the future home owners will be involved during defining the community key aspects, including their Club Lifestyle concept and  various services, community room functions, Club Manager engagement etc. All coordinated from a regional ESPADEVIDA Club Forum Manager. 


Possible timescale “Private Guided Development”  -  like typically most community projects with co-housing  structure


Complete community establishment cycle from the beginning, to find and meet other interested people, searching for plot, builder, architect, planning solutions, permission, prices, building period etc., all of this - in normal case of cohousing-communities - has to be organized and coordinated and controlled together by the private.


                   co-housing PLUS     + BUILDER GUIDED co-housing with professional project team for more speed 

                                                   +  FLEXIBLE CHOICE    explaining flexible choice - see via this : LINK



Possible reduced timescale via “Builder Guided Development”  like the actual offered ESPADEVIDA APARTMENT GALLERY -Development in Spain/Costa de Almeria.


Using the existing power and network of the the regional builder, architect and additional an involved, competent regional ESPADEVIDA Sales Office for various project promotion and a competent regional Club Forum Manager for the coordination, is reducing the community and project-establishment period. Private people still will get their individual selected community Club key elements, also like their individual later engaged Club Manager with the various services and so the private home owners will have control to this expenses. But during the whole establishment time they must not coordinate this privately, because all this will be overtaken from a regional Club Forum Manager.  

Plot and basic plannings and suggestions from architect/builder for houses are already in procedure or existing and additional beside this, the establishment period to find more people for a community, up to the required amount of people for a building start, can be minimized to a period between 2 and 3 years, still depending on individual location and situation